July 21, 2011

Christina Perri - The Lonely

Okay, nothing is perfect...myself included!

So, sadly, I was on hiatus this summer. This is posted days after the day I say it posted, but this song is most appropriate for that time in my life.

Somedays, you just need to be a little bit sad....this was one of those days....

July 1, 2011

Aimee Mann - Wise Up

The beauty of music is that it says so much more than I would ever be able to...

This song says so much...

This is posted after the date it actually says it was.  I apologise.  I'm filling in the missing days, slowly but surely.

At one point this summer, I made a significant decision to "wise up," so to say. Like many things I've learned this year, learning to decide to do something good for myself was a big step.  It happened shortly after July 1st, and although the decision has been tough, rigorously tested, and almost broken, I think it's the healthiest thing I've done in quite a long time...and I've been on a health kick for the last year.

So, here's to my decision. Here's to every one's best decision.  It's tough, often sad as it reveals our weaknesses, but in the end so worthwhile!